European Robotics Week 2014

Dear all Roboticists!

The euRobotics team, would like to thank you all, for the huge success that YOU have made the European Robotics week.  Since its inception in 2011 we have attracted more than 100,000 people, and last year we had more than 100 events in 25 countries around Europe – This year we would like break those records!

The European Robotics Week 2014 Communication Centre will be moving to the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse, where we will also be holding the RoCKIn competition, broadcasting via live-streams from the 27th November – Take a look at the Teachers handbook!

All events from ERW2014 will be made available as video life-stream or as a video podcast using the same process as in preceding years. If these are unfamiliar to you, please check here.

Social Media:

#ERW2014 – Official twitter hastag for European Robotics Week 2014

If you haven’t already done so, we would be thrilled if you could all to contribute again! Thank you very much for all your commitment, enthusiasm and collaboration. I am sure together we can exceed the great impact we had in last year and make ERW2014 a great success!

In case of any questions please send an e-mail to .

Kindest regards, Philip Piatkiewicz
Assistant Project Manager



European Robotics Week 2014

Cody e Roby e la settimana europea della robotica
Cari partner,

per dare seguito alla proposta di organizzare semplici giochi in occasione della settimana europea della robotica ho disegnato dei cartelli-istruzione per chi non avesse tempo e modo di farli disegnare ai bambini.
Nel farlo ho pensato di dare un nome all’iniziativa tanto per renderla riconoscibile. IL nome e’  CodyRoby, in omaggio al legame tra robotica e programmazione.
Ecco i link:
Per ora sul sito ci sono solo le regole del primo dei giochi basati su CodyRoby, ma sto per pubblicare le regole di altri giochi.
Spero che possiate sperimentarli e darmi riscontro per migliorarli insieme.
Chiunque organizzi eventi con CodyRoby (e non solo) e’ pregato di inserirli sia sulla mappa del CodeWeek che su quella del EU robotics week.
A presto! Alessandro Bogliolo

European Robotics Week 2014: Calling all Roboticists!

Calling all Roboticists!

European Robotics Week 2014 is less than two weeks away and we have so far received more than 160 registered events in 14 European Countries. Since its inception in 2011 we have attracted more than 100,000 people, and last year we had more than 300 events in 25 countries around Europe – This year we would like break those records!

The European Robotics Week 2014 Communication Centre will be moving to the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse, where we will also be holding the RoCKIn competition from the 27th November. All events from #ERW2014 will be made available as video life-stream or as a video podcast using the same process as in preceding years.

The Teachers handbook gives you all of the relevant information on how to participate and who to contact in your country.

The euRobotics team, would like to thank you all, for the huge success that YOU have made the European Robotics week. I am sure together we can exceed the great impact we had in last year and make #ERW2014 a great success!

Please make sure to spread the word about #ERW2014 and if you haven’t already done so already, we would be thrilled if you could all contribute again!

Philip Piatkiewicz
Assistant Project Manager

euRobotics AISBL
European Robotics Association
Diamant Building
Boulevard A. Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium

European Robotics Week 2014

Test new Hour of Code tutorials – featuring Disney’s Frozen

An Hour of Code, featuring Anna and Elsa from Frozen!

We are excited to share is exclusive new tutorial for the Hour of Code 2014, in beta – featuring Disney isFrozen heroines Anna and Elsa!

While learning the basics of computer science, students will create a winter wonderland, then share their artwork with friends!

Try the early preview now

Our Hour of Code tutorials will be translated into 30+ languages as soon as possible. If you can help, visit

20+ additional Hour of Code tutorials for all ages

New Hour of Code tutorials are ready to try – with options for every age, every device, and even “unplugged.”

3 weeks to go – 40,000 events worldwide and counting

The Hour of Code (Dec. 8-14) is 3 weeks away!

  1. Try early previews
  2. Choose an activity for your student is Hour of Code
  3. Share your feedback us before final tutorials arrive on December 8

Please, keep spreading the word and help introduce 100 million students to foundational 21st-century skills.

Hadi Partovi,

European Robotics Week 2014: la documentazione

Dear All,

We have just reached the end of a really excellent period in the history of the European Robotics Week and one which has highlighted the growing prominence of Robotics in Europe. We received many registrations, which resulted in 475 events being held around Europe. Many of these events were in countries where Robotics Week was being held for the first time, such as Croatia and Israel.

If you would like to read more, here is the link to the latest press release:

A report on the whole week will follow in the very near future, once I am able to compile the following information from you all:

I would like to kindly ask you to send me the figures of the number of participants attending to all the events in your country. This will then be used to get an idea on how we are progressing and the level of interest that people take in robotics in comparison to previous years.

It would also be great to have some quotes from you, from children, parents, teachers and the organisers of the events to include on our final press release/report.

Finally, I would also appreciate if you could kindly send me some photos and videos.

You can also submit the photos and videos by flickr and youtube:

flickr account:

youtube channel:

Please include the name of the activity, ERW2013, city and country, as well as the credits for the photos/videos (e.g. “Robots are exciting” – ERW2013 – Vienna, Austria – Credits: Gregor … ) “

Again, thank you so much for all your engagement and commitment on making the European Robotics Week a success and showing the general public how robotics is progressing in Europe.

Look forward to hearing from you all.

Kindest regards,
Philip Piatkiewicz
Assistant Project Manager
euRobotics AISBL
Promoting Excellence in Robotics
European Robotics Association
Diamant Building
Boulevard A. Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium
BE 0500.891.964

4th edizione della European Robotics Week “A future of robots for everyone” – 24 al 30 novembre 2014

cosi’ come anticipato anche durante l’incontro di programmazione (scuola Infanzia) del 16 ottobre, siamo giunti alla 4th edizione della European Robotics Week “A future of robots for everyone” e 25 Nazioni europee prenderanno parte all’evento.

Scuola di Robotica, coordinatrice nazionale per l’Italia ci invita ad organizzare eventi nella settimana 24 al 30 novembre 2014 cosi’ come abbiamo fatto anche nei passati anni scolastici. Nelle precedenti edizioni, l’Italia ha sempre organizzato il numero piu’ alto di attivita’ della euRobotics Week 🙂

La novita’ dell’edizione 2014 e’ che per la prima volta il Centro della Comunicazione della European Robotics Week si spostera’ da Brussels a Tolosa. In questo Science Park dedicato alle missioni spaziali si svolgera’ la competizione del progetto European RoCKIn, nel quale team da tutta l’Europa si incontreranno con i loro robot in due gare, su due scenari: “lavorare a casa” e “lavorare in fabbrica”. Nel Science Park si svolgeranno inoltre diverse attivita’ dedicate alla robotica e alle scienze. Dal 2014 la euRobotics Week spostera’ il Centro della Comunicazione di volta in volta in una diversa citta’ europea.

Per quanto riguarda il nostro istituto, la partecipazione all’evento (concordata anche con la Dirigente durante l’incontro del 23 settembre 2014) e’ prevista dallo stesso progetto Micromondi, Microscopi, Mondi attivi e Microrobot cosi’ come quella alla RomeCup e all’appena trascorsa settimana europea della programmazione [Europe Code Week]

Avrei bisogno di sapere (possibilmente entro il 22 ottobre) quante e quali classi sono disponibili a prendere parte all’evento.

– cognome e nome del docente aderente
– classe
– scuola infanzia/primaria/sec. primo grado
– numero alunne/i

e quali tra queste attivita’ pensate di poter realizzare:

  • invenzione di storie
  • programmazione con Scratch (sw) e/o Angry Birds (un po’ come abbiamo fatto in queste settimane)
  • realizzazioni artistiche di robot (con materiale di riciclo e/o attraverso rappresentazioni grafiche)
  • ricerche, componimenti e/o relazioni su robotica, roboetica, coding,…
  • utilizzo di Kit della mindstorm [co-costruzione e programmazione]
  • visione di films
  • altro …………..

(ovviamente potete indicarne anche piu’ di una)

Grazie per la collaborazione. Buona domenica, Linda

Allego il comunicato stampa e la brochure ERW2014_Teachers_Handbook
che se volte puo’ essere condiviso con gli studenti